Saturday, July 28, 2012

"It's the best kind" they said

As a 29 year old male I have made steps to ensure I was more than healthy. Joined a great gym (Combat Fitness), lost weight, became a trainer, changed my diet (Paleo), changed my life....  Basically the healthiest I have ever been, or so I thought.

A few months ago I thought I had received an injury to my groin while training in Brazilian jiu jitsu (in which I am a purple belt). A few weeks later had found that one of my testicles was swollen and hard as a rock.  After realizing it wasn't going to get better on its own I sought medical treatment from a "doc in the box".  The doctor told me I had a blockage due to a bacterial infection in my epididymus and treated me with antibiotics.  Thinking that this would be my cure I went about my daily life training with friends and coaching Brazilian jiu jitsu.  But after a few weeks my testicle was still a mess...  I made an appointment with my General Practitioner.  I told him what the previous doctor had diagnosed me with, he told me to drop trou, took one feel and said "I'm going to be honest with you, I suspect cancer".  That same day I had an ultrasound, and was referred to a Urologist.

Within a week I went from thinking I had a minor injury, to having testicular cancer.  The results of my ultrasound showed that I had a malignant tumor that had taken over my whole right testicle, leaving almost no healthy tissue.  I thought to myself  "How could this be?  I don't feel sick, I've been so active...Why me?!".  The doctor then hit me with another blow and said that the testicle had to be removed immediately, And scheduled me for surgery the next morning.

 After an emotionally draining day I had come to terms that I was losing a part of my body that I had learned to protect and cherish...After all it is a part of my MANHOOD.  "There is nothing I can do, it is for the best" I thought.  My doctor told me if you get cancer this is the best one to get, because it is 95% to 98% curable.

The next day I was scared but excited, I was taking the first step in fighting testicular cancer.  My wife Katrina drove me to the surgery center, and waited for me as they prepped me for surgery.  First I dressed in a hospital gown and a cap, which was most unfashionable.  Then had my arm numbed and was given an i.v. (the first of my life).  My doctor then explained the procedure to my wife and I... saying that he would make an incision just above my groin and remove my testicle up and out of my body.  It would take fourty five minutes to and hour and I would spend one hour in recovery and would be released.  I remember my nurse telling me that I was going feel like I had a bunch of margaritas all at once.  Things got fuzzy...they moved me to an operating room, moved me from my bed to a table, put a mask over my face, and I fell asleep.

Upon awakening I felt no pain, just hunger, due to a pre-surgery fast.  I then remember sweet taking the nurse into giving me extra water and crackers, that I really wasn't supposed to have  (because it could cause nausea).  But I felt great. My wife was then allowed back to see me, and got me dressed, and took me home.  Which is where I've been since.

I feel strong, and motivated. I am able to walk, urinating doesn't hurt.  I have even managed an erection.  All with one testicle. I am not to be active for at least two weeks. I admit it feels weird, but I am the same person with more drive and desire to live life with a sense of urgency.

Now I play the waiting game to see if I will need further treatment, like chemo or radiation.  We will have the results of my testicle biopsy in a few days....then in a week or two a  CAT scan to see if the cancer has spread to other parts of my body.  I will update as soon as I know more.


P.s.  Check yourself regularly, if you have testicles and are between the ages 15-40, it could happen to you.  If you feel anything abnormal seek professional help.

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