I feel great physically, I was even able to take my dog Freckles on a walk. I am not even that sore. Emotionally I am a bit frustrated because I don't feel sick and I can't really control the things that are happening to me. It is scary to think that I might have to have my lymph nodes removed or that I might have to have chemo therapy and there is nothing I can do about it. I am sure that all the working out I did at Combat Fitness is playing a role in how well I am doing right now. I am looking forward to being back on the mats training and coaching within the next few weeks.
I can definitely say that this whole ordeal has been easier to bare with the help of my lovely wife Kat and all the well wishes and prayers from friends. People have been asking if I am going to get a prosthetic testicle and have been giving it some thought and the only real reason I can think of to get one is to show it off. I wonder if uncomfortably large is an option? Also I feel like a rarity now, like a unicorn, almost mythical.
In all I feel grateful for all that I have and the people surrounding me. This thing has made me reevaluate my life, shook me a little. There are so many things I want to do and become and I am more motivated than ever to see these things come to light.
Awesome Uncle, I wish and pray for the best recovery. I believe these things happen for a reason. Stay strong, also go with a prosthetic testicle.. I would feel unbalanced.